Dating a Cougar

Dating a Cougar – First of all, you should know that cougars are financially independent women. As such, you should not expect them to expect expensive gifts from you. They will probably have a good social network and are independent of their families. Another important thing to know is that dating a cougar is free.

Less baggage than ex-wife

The good thing about dating an older woman is that you have a lot less baggage. A woman in her forties may be more mature and have experienced more relationships. She won’t beat around the bush, and she’ll likely know exactly what she wants. Men don’t always know what women want. This means that you’ll have less time wasted waiting for her.

Cougars tend to have a deep connection. This is why cougar couples who last a long time together are typically deeply committed and in love. “It’s the kind of love that keeps couples together for so long,” says KarenLee Poter, host of The Cougar Life Podcast and author of A Cougar’s Guide To Getting Her A$$ Out There

Another good thing about dating a cougar is that they often exude self-confidence and are more willing to pursue sexual relationships. They are also often approached by younger men looking for a “no-strings” relationship. This new trend was started by Demi Moore, who had issues with her self-esteem but went on to become a cougar herself.

Dating a Cougar

Dating a Cougar

Financial independence

One of the most attractive aspects of dating a cougar is her financial independence. According to a study from the University of Abertay Dundee, women who are financially independent place greater value on the ability of a man to provide for them. This freedom is a major attraction for men of any age. It gives them more confidence in choosing a partner.

In addition to her financial independence, a cougar woman has many attractive characteristics that attract young men. She is able to take care of herself and is comfortable spending money on her appearance. Her beautiful, sexy body attracts younger men. However, it’s important to note that this woman is not a cheapskate.

Career advice

When it comes to dating a cougar, it can be an exciting time for both the younger and older woman involved. Cougars are independent and confident women, and are full-grown adults who have achieved financial stability. They are the perfect candidates for a relationship. You may want to consider dating a cougar, but you must first understand her personality type. You should also consider her profession and background.

Dating a cougar is not a walk in the park; it takes time and energy. If the relationship is not going well, it is best to move on to another option. Cougars are usually choosier than younger women. They have a natural hierarchy and may be looking for someone to give them energy. This type of woman is also a little more demanding than dating a woman within your age group.

Dating a cougar can be a great opportunity for you to learn more about women and yourself. Cougars are mature and experienced, so they know what they want. They have overcome a lot of fears and know how to deal with difficult situations. While you may find the thought of dating a cougar to be strange, it is possible to get along with this type of woman. You may be surprised by the success you will experience.

As a younger man, dating a cougar can be intimidating. You may feel intimidated by the woman’s age, but the reality is that she is not looking for a long-term commitment. You can learn more about yourself and your career from her. She will also be able to give you career advice, as she has more experience than the younger man.

You can meet a cougar in many places, from bars to coffee shops to the workplace. According to Lucia Rossinger, an expert in dating and relationships, she has been featured in numerous national and international media outlets. Despite their age, the best way to meet a cougar is to find someone who matches your interests and personality.

Dating a Cougar

Dating a Cougar


Dating a cougar is challenging, but it can also be fun. Cougars are famous for their high self-confidence. They know that they’re worth more than their weight, size, or success. Being valuable and good to others is important to cougars. So it’s important to build up your self-confidence as you date a cougar.

When dating a cougar, you’ll need to be self-confident and have the right attitude. This is because cougar women have high self-esteem and will be more apt to let you take the first step. It’s also important to understand that they’ll be slow to commit, as they’ve suffered through a lot of mental pain.

Unlike men, cougars will not feel threatened if you don’t feel comfortable with them. They’ll also be confident to push boundaries and ask uncomfortable questions. Cougar females are different from their younger counterparts, but they’ll also be a lot more daring.

Being honest is the key to any functional relationship, and a cougar won’t be fooled if you don’t show that. They’ve been hurt before, and they don’t want to hurt anyone else. They might be missing a bit of their exuberance, so try to be yourself, and be patient with any quirks. As a cougar, you’ll need to be open-minded and adventurous, as they’ll have lots to learn from you.

As mentioned above, cougars are more mature than younger men, but they still require that you have confidence in yourself. You should be open-minded when talking to a cougar because they’ll teach you more about women and what makes them tick. They’ll also help you understand her and treat her accordingly.